Julio Bermudez
Scholar, Resaercher, Professor, Author
ACSA Distinguished Professor
Ongoing Research & Scholarship
Architecture Live (ongoing)
This research looks at transformative experiences of the architecturally extraordinary. Methods include surveys, well documented case-studies, existing literature, and direct architectural experiences. By seeking to understand the profound aesthetics of built environments, Achitecture Live casts light into (a) an area little known and probed of human experience, (b) what is ‘ordinary’ or 'normal' in our daily situational engagement of architecture, and thus (c) how to improve our appreciation, respect, design and planning of constructed and natural environments. This investigation covers a wide range of areas, including phenomenology, psychology, comparative religion, and more.
Neuroscience & Biometric Studies (ongoing)
This is an ambitious interdisciplinar empriical effort using the scientific method grounded on neuroscience to probe how sacred architecture affects us neuro-physiologically, behaviorally, and psychologically. Using a battery of the latest gauging technologies (e.g., fMRI, mobile EEG, ambulatory eye-tracking, biometric equipment) and carefully designed questionnaires, this research aims at establishing correlations between human phenomenological and neuro-bodily responses to religious built environments. This work has and continuest to be supported by grants from the Templeton Religion Trust.
Spirituality in Architectural Education (book, CUA Press, 2023)
This book offers arguments and examples that open new vistas on the impact of spirituality in architectural educaiton and practice. This effort is contextualized within the ongoing discussion of the role of spirituality and religion in higher education at large. The result is an unprecedented volume that starts a long-awaited conversation that will advance architectural schooling -- For more information follow this link.
Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality (book, Ashgate, 2015)
Architecture has long been understood as a cultural discipline able to articulate the human condition and uplift the human spirit, yet the spirituality of architecture is rarely directly addressed in academic scholarhsip. The 17 chapters in this book takes on this overdue task with clarity. For more information follow this link
Transcending Architecture (book, CUA Press, 2015)
This work offers a well-merged union of reflections from the inside and outside of architecture, theology, philosophy, art history, and culturals studies ... doing good by and through architecture might help us advance into more humane, spiritual, and insightful way to deal with each other and the world and all its beings-- For more information follow this link
ACSF (Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Forum)
This effort consists of co-leading an international and interdisciplinary community of scholars, practiioners, researchers, and teachers in the communication and developmen of knowledge addressing the interactions between spirituality and culture in relation to architecture understood in its widest meaning. ACSF now has over 800members from 65 countries, publishes blind-peer reviewed work, and meets once a year in a international symposium. For more information visit: https://www.acsforum.org
Neurophenomenology & Sacred Space
Interdisciplinary empirical study of sacred architecture using the latest theories, methdologies, and scientific tools avaialble and funded by the Templeton Religion Trust. For more info, go here.
Transcending Architecture Course
Testing of meta-cognitive, affective, and representational methods enabling a phenomenological realization of architecture, self, and beyond.
Investigating & Teaching VAS
VAS is a disciplined, spirited, and committed study of one possible architectural response to the major challenges confronting us individually, socially, and globally. VAS seeks the minimal, the fundamentally uncomplicated, the direct and the conscious in order to voluntarily and critically resist the forces of today’s unconscious materialism, empty consumerism, unnecessary complexity, pollution, and life in the fast lane. VAS research develops pedagogies, theories, knowledge and skills to support architectural methods, technologies, ethics, and vocabulary that support such agenda.