Julio Bermudez
Scholar, Researcher, Proessor, Author
ACSA Distinguished Professor
Publications (selected)
Tectonics and Spirituality in Brutalist Architecture. Phenomenological Reflections (2017)
Utopia: A Phenomenological Critique with an Architectural Promise (2016)
Understanding Extraordinary Architectural Experiences through Content Analysis of Written Narratives (2015)
Considering the relationship between Phenomenology and Science (2014)
fMRI Study of Architecturally-Induced Contemplative States (2014)
Memory, Social Interaction, and Communicability in Extraordinary Experiences of Architecture (2013)
The Effect of Gender, Age, and Education in Extraordinary Aesthetic Experiences (2013)
El Rol del 'Distanciamiento' en lo Inefable Arquitectónico (Español 2013)
Profound Experiences of Architecture – The Role of 'Distancing' in the Ineffable (2011)
Outcomes of the Architectural Extraordinary: An Empirical Study (2011)
Empirical Aesthetics: The Body and Emotion in Extraordinary Architectural Experiences(2011)
Architecture Live: Using Science to Unravel Venustas's Phenomenology (2010)
Non-ordinary Architectural Phenomenologies: Non-Dualist Experiences & Husserl’s reduction (2010)
Fenomelogías Arquitectónicas Extraordinarias: Experiencias No-Dualistas y la Reducción de Husserl (Español 2008)
Definiendo lo extraordinario en la arquitectura. Estudios estadísticos de la fenomenología de lo bello (Español 2008)
Visualizing the Non-Visual Nature of Architecture (2005)
El Diseño de Experiencias Arquitectónicas(Español 1997)
Designing Architectural Experiences. Using Computers to Construct Temporal 3D Narratives(1995)
Architecture As Experience (1990)
The Voluntary Architectural Simplicity (VAS) Manifesto (2003-present) Cutura Virtual Y Cultura Material. Una Lectura Arquitectónica (Español 2000) Tectonics After Virtuality: Re-turning to the Body (1996-2000) |