t e c h n o l o g y

About "Body Automatic/cyberPRINT"
The cyberPRINT obtains its raw material from non-invasive and integrated medical sensors registering vital signs in real time in numerical data format. The BioRadio 110 is a lightweight programmable wireless physiological monitor for measuring and recording EEG, ECG, EMG, EOG, and PSG signals. By eliminating the restrictions encountered with traditional tethered equipment, the BioRadio allows the individual being monitored the freedom to move about naturally, something essential for the type of performance required by the project. It sends the measured data via radio signals directly to a PC, where is then processed to generate a virtual body architecture according to design prescriptions. The necessary technology to make all this work was developed by a team from Architecture, Medicine, Bio-Engineering and Computer Science.

The BioRadio 110 is used to collect data input registers the activity of three physiologic functions historically associated with human life (1) Respiratory and muscle activity; (2) Cardiac activity; the heart and its functions; and (3) Nervous activity; the brain and its workings. Since physiological data can be represented in any way within digital space, the focus of our work was in the design of the visual-temporal prescriptions guiding the transformation of the incoming data into visualizable 3D representations of the three functions described:
1. New aesthetic conventions, rules, and techniques for visualizing the body and the self in digital space (i.e., syntax and vocabulary);
2. The relationship between design intentions, and the expectations of the performer and audience (i.e., the world of meaning: semantics);
3. How to employ and develop a design to elicit aesthetic responses (i.e., pragmatics/content).

The project heavily draws from an area of architectural knowledge called "Basic Design". This specialty area consist of basic principles (e.g., scale, shape, rhythm, balance, color, tectonics, structure, etc.), elements (e.g., line, figures, objects, space, etc.) and organizational rules (e.g., hierarchy, layering, typology, symmetry, etc.) of 2D and 3D design and their relationship to human psychology and behavior.
