p a p e r s

Agutter J, Bermudez J, Westenskow D, Foresti S, Zhang Y, Gondeck-Becker D.
"Architecture and Data Representation: Modeling Physiologic Processes"
Presented at the ARCC/AEEA/EAAE (American and European Architectural Research Consortiums) Conference on Architectural Research. Paris, France. July 2000.

Bermudez J, Foresti S, Agutter J, Westenskow D, Syroid N, Drews F, Tashjian L..
"Interdisciplinary Methodology for Designing New Data Representation Architectures"

Published in: Proceedings of CAADRIA 2003 , Bangkok, Thailand (forthcoming May) 2003.

Bermudez J, Agutter J, Syroid N, Lilly B, Sharir Y, Lopez T, Westenskow D, Foresti S.
"Interfacing Virtual & Physical Spaces Through the Body: The CyberPRINT Project"

Presented in: Proctor G (ed). ACADIA'2002. Calpoly, Pomona, California. 2002. Pp.399-401.

Bermudez J, Agutter J, Westenskow D, Zhang Y, Foresti S, Syroid N, Lilly B, Strayer D, Drews F., Gondeck-Becker D.
"La Arquitectura de Representación de Datos. Diseño Arquitectónico Aplicado a La Visualización en Anestesiología"
Published in: Proceedings of the 5 Congreso Iberoamericano de Gráfica Digital (SIGraDI) 2001. G. Guzman Dumont. Universidad del Bio-Bio. Pp. 135 - 138. November 2001. Concepción, Chile.

Bermudez J, Sharir Y, Agutter J, Syroid N, Westenskow D, Foresti S, Drews, F.
"Depicting the Organic Basis of Consciousness, Visualization Technology For the CyberPrint"
Presented at Proceedings of Multimedia, Technology and Applications Conference IEEE, University of California, Irvine. Piscataway, NJ. 2001.Pp. 26.

Bermudez J, Agutter J, Sharir Y, Lopez T, Syroid N.
"Body Automatic/cyberPRINT" (Live Performance/Demonstration).
Presented at the Eighth Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology, March 1-3, 2001, New London, CT. pp 12-15.

Bermudez J, Agutter J, Lilly B, Syroid N, Westenskow D, Gondeck-Becker D, Foresti S, Sharir Y.
"CyberPRINT: Hacia una Arquitectura del Ser"
Presented in J.Ripper Kos, A.Pessoa Borde & D.Rodriguez Barros (Eds.): 4th. Congreso Iberoamericano de Grafica Digital (SIGraDI'2000) . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2000. Pp.220-223.
